Step 7: So far, it has a good effect but let’s make it more metallic. The following effect looks like this so far. Select the Contour option headed under the Bevel and Emboss Option on the left. And change the following parameter of Glass Contour in the Shading options to the Ring Double option, which is the third from left in the bottom row. Step 6: Now, Hit Bevel and Emboss and change the following parameters in the Structure Box.
So let’s change the color as shown below.Īfter that, style changes are reflected, as shown below. You can obtain the RGB values of dull yellow and Gold color easily online. Left handle color values are R: 247, G: 238, B: 173, and right handle color values are R: 193, G: 172, B: 81. You will see the gradient is black and white. Step 5: Now, right-click on the Gold copy layer and select Blending Options. Now it’s imperative you select the Gold copy layer as first, we will bedazzle the duplicate layer. So, select the Gold layer, right-click on it, and select the Duplicate layer option. Step 4: Here, you may work and add layer styles and effects in one layer, but if you want a more realistic effect, you can simultaneously work in two layers to give that extra embossing and golden blockish effect. Then select the layer named Gold and with the use of Move Tool stretch and resize the font with your liking.